Workshops & Agms
This years AGM focused on the theme of protected areas within the Boreal Zone of Canada and was held in Quebec City, Quebec, September 16-19, 2008.
Workshop Agenda (PDF Format)
Agenda (287 KB)
Conference Overview Presentation (PDF Format)
Zinger, Nathalie “Overview of the last two days” (42 kb)
Field Trip
During this years conference participants were invited to a full day field trip at Parc national des Hautes-Gorges-de-la-Rivière-Malbaie.
Field trip itinerary (45 kb)
Field trip map (680 kb)
Workshop Presentations (PDF Format)
- Bourdages, Marilou “La flore de l’île Bonaventure : un outil pour l’aménagement du territoire” (276 kb)
- Brassard, François “Le défi des aires protégées en forêt boréale : le cas du Québec”(4814 kb)
- Downie, Bruce “Aboriginal Participation in Protected Areas Planning and Management: Case Studies from the Canadian Parks Council with Specific Discussion of the Yukon” (89 kb)
- Desrochers, Mélanie et al “Conciliation of conservation planning visions in forest management territories (Conciliation des visions de conservation en territoires forestiers aménagés)” (240 kb)
- Drapeau, Pierre “L’approche écosystémique et son rôle fonctionnel dans le maintien de la diversité biologique des aires protégées en forêt boréale (Ecosystem-oriented approaches and their functional role in maintaining biodiversity within protected areas of the boreal forest)” (1260 kb)
- Gagnon, Jean “Partnership between the Cree Nation of Mistissini and the MDDEP for the establishment of the Albanel-Témiscamie-Otish National Park (Partenariat entre la Nation crie de Mistissini et le ministère du Développement durable, de l’Environnement et des Parcs du Québec (MDDEP) pour l’établissement du Parc national Albanel-Témiscamie-Otish)”
- Gladu, Jean Paul “Working with Aboriginal Communities in Conservation” (419 KB)
- Labbé, Paul “Contribuer au maintien de la biodiversité par la création de petites aires protégées : les refuges biologiques” (673 kb)
- Locke, Harvey “The scale of conservation necessary to protect the boreal forest: The Boreal Conservation Framework (L’échelle de conservation nécessaire pour protéger la forêt boréale: l’accord sur la forêt boréale)”
- Lopoukhine, Nikita “The role of Canadian protected areas in a global context (Le rôle des aires protégées canadiennes dans un contexte global)” (1044 kb)
- Meikle, John “Systematic and Sacred: Integrating two perspectives on the land in Yukon’s protected area experience”
- MacKinnon, S David “Protecting 12% by 2015 – how is Nova Scotia going to do it?”(1180 kb)
- Samson, Claude “The challenge of ecological integrity conservation in a national park : the case of the La Mauricie National Park of Canada (Le défi de la conservation de l’intégrité écologique dans un parc national : le cas du parc national du Canada de la Mauricie)”
- Scott, Colin “Integrating cultural and ecological dimensions in protected area creation on the east coast of James Bay”
- Schmiegelow, Fiona “Scientific Review for the Identification of Critical Habitat for Boreal Caribou”
- Schmiegelow, Fiona et al “Benchmarks across the Boreal: Pro-Active Planning for System-level Conservation and Resilience” (1328 kb)
- Swallow, Michelle et al “Creating and keeping meaningful partnerships in the Northwest Territories Protected Areas Strategy”
- Woodley, Alison et al “Nahanni and Dumoine Watersheds: Two examples of community collaboration and public engagement to create protected areas in the boreal forest (Les bassins versants de la Nahanni et de la Dumoine: deux exemples de collaboration importants pour la création d’aires protégées en forêt boréale)”
- Wilson, Joana “Using both local-scale and territory-wide planning to build a network of protected areas in the Northwest Territories” (1,895 kb)
CCEA Jurisdictional Reports (PDF Format)
- Alberta (27 kb)
- British Columbia
- Manitoba (23 kb)
- Nunavut
- New Brunswick
- Newfoundland and Labrador
- Northwest Territories (122 kb)
- Nova Scotia
- Prince Edward Island
- Quebec (15 kb)
- Saskatchewan (18 kb)
- Yukon Territory (71 kb)
- Fisheries and Oceans (35 kb)
- Environment Canada
- Parks Canada