Please note space is limited as such we are asking that you provide an expression of interest in attending this or future workshops.  

The 2019 Canadian Council on Ecological Areas (CCEA) annual national workshop and AGM will be held in Quebec City on October 10 and 11, following the Canadian Parks Conference.  It is being hosted in partnership with the Pathway to Canada Target 1. The workshop will provide training to practitioners and others on the application of the Decision Support Tool For Assessing Areas Against Pan-Canadian Standards for Protected Areas and Other Effective Area-based Conservation Measures (OECMS) for Terrestrial and Inland Waters (Pathway DST). The Pathway DST supports jurisdictions and others in assessing whether or not areas contribute to Canada Target 1.

The Pathway DST and associated guidance are based on a tool originally developed and published by the CCEA that was informed by practitioners through previous CCEA workshops. The original CCEA tool has been collaboratively revised and approved for use by Pathway jurisdictions, and members of the CCEA and Nature Conservancy of Canada to support jurisdictions in assessing if areas contribute to Canada Target 1.

The 2019 workshop will:

  • Provide practitioners and land managers with detailed, hands-on training on the application of the tool, using case studies to help foster deeper understanding.
  • Provide practitioners and land managers with an opportunity to learn from peers in a focused environment.
  • Give practitioners the opportunity to provide additional feedback on the Pathway DST, to help inform the Accounting Working Group to improve the guidance and template
  • Provide practitioners with the opportunity to inform and offer the CCEA feedback on its 2020-2030 strategic priority objectives and outcomes that will guide the work of the organization over the next decade.

The overview agenda is attached.

You or your organization have been identified as possibly having an interest in attending this workshop and getting trained in the use of the decision support tool. Having more practitioners across Canada trained in the application of the Pathway DST will increase capacity and consistency to review sites across Canada to determine if they meet Aichi Target 11/Canada Target 1.  Governing authorities, land managers and consultants may benefit. The knowledge gained can also be applied to future sites to help practitioners determine if their sites will meet the criteria of protected areas or OECMs.

Space is limited to 60 individuals.  As such we are asking that you provide an expression of interest in attending this or future workshops.   These indications of interest will be used to identify participants from a range of sectors and regions and send official workshop invitations and registrations for the 2019 Workshop. Expressions of interest will also allow us to gauge the desire for training and the need for future training opportunities.   Final invitations will be issued to enable equitable participation from across Canada and from different sectors.

To maximize the benefit of the short face-to-face training time at the workshop, participants will be asked to conduct an analysis of case studies prior to the workshop. In advance of the workshop, participants will be given two case studies to be considered by the workshop, as well as the Pathway DST and the screening template.  Participants will be asked to screen these two areas on their own, documenting the rationale and possible outcomes and noting outstanding issues or questions.  They will also be asked to bring their own case studies.  These pre-workshop assignments will function as the basis for shared training, learning, and further exploratory work.

There is a $300 workshop fee.

The current decision support tool and screening template and a brief training video can be found here.

Please fill in a brief online questionnaire here to indicate your expression of interest to attend the workshop by September 2, 2019.

CCEA_Pathway Agenda Overview


Jessica Elliott
Canadian Council on Ecological Areas

David MacKinnon
Canadian Council on Ecological Areas

Pathway Accounting Working Group

Zuzu Gadallah
Pathway Accounting Working Group

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