Location: Minto Suite Hotel – Ottawa, Ontario
Dates: February 4th to 8th, 2013

The Canadian Council on Ecological Areas (CCEA) is hosting a national workshop on interpreting Aichi Target 11 in the Canadian context, with a particular focus on “other effective area-based conservation measures”, a term referenced in Target 11. CCEA invites its jurisdictional representatives and directors, as well as representatives of land stewardship organizations, Aboriginal organizations, environmental organizations, protected area and conservation agencies, and other experts to participate.

CCEA National Workshop 2013 – Brochure

CCEA National Workshop 2013 – Preliminary Program


Meeting Aichi Target 11: What does success look like for protected area systems?
Stephen Woodley, Senior Advisor, Biodiversité et changement climatique, UICN- Programme global des aires protégées
(4 Mb)

Workshop Report

Appendix C – Welcome and Introduction, David McKinnon

Appendix D – Canada and the Convention on Biological Diversity, Robert McLean

Appendix E – Origins of Target 11, Charles Besancon

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