The focus of this report is on the need to protect and restore connectivity within Canada’s terrestrial ecosystems. Well-connected ecosystems will be critical for maintaining important ecological and evolutionary processes (including species migration and adaptation), especially in an era of rapid climate and ecological change.
By means of fusing a literature review, case studies, and an organizational capacity and needs assessment survey of connectivity practitioners and stakeholders, this report identifies gaps, barriers, successes, and solutions in the efforts to maintain and restore connectivity in Canada. It is organized as follows:
- Chapter 1: The Need for a (Re)Connected Canada
- Chapter 2: Governance, Law and Policy Dimensions of Connectivity Conservation in Canada
- Chapter 3: Case Studies on Connectivity Conservation in Canada
- Chapter 4: Connectivity Conservation in Canada Organizational Capacity and Needs Assessment
- Chapter 5: (Re)Connecting Canada: Setting the Table for Transformation
The report includes recommendations to effectively mainstream connectivity conservation into legislation and policy, by providing incentives to retain and restore, and implementing disincentives to degrade or ignore connectivity, in decision-making processes.