Workshops & Agms
March 16-20, 2015
Chateau Lacombe, Edmonton, Alberta
Présentation de l’atelier
The Canadian Council on Ecological Areas (CCEA) is hosting a national workshop focused on the theme of “Towards 2020 – Barriers, Solutions, and Opportunities for Reaching Conservation Goals”.
The overall purpose of the workshop is to develop science-based guidance on how Canada can best achieve protected and conservation area-related targets it has agreed to.
Workshop elements will include:
– Development and presentation of peer-reviewed case studies to be incorporated into the Canadian Guidebook for the Application and Reporting of IUCN Protected Area Categories and Other Effective Area-based Conservation Measures;
– Development of a voluntary peer-review process for the inclusion of areas in the Conservation Areas Reporting and Tracking System (CARTS);
– Discussion on what else should be reported as “Canada’s Conservation Effort” beyond Protected Areas and Other Effective Area-based Conservation Measures, per Canada’s Target 16 – “By 2020, Canada has a comprehensive inventory of protected spaces that includes private conservation areas”;
– Outcomes, directions, and inspirations from the 2014 IUCN World Parks Congress in Sydney, Australia;
– Achieving all aspects of Aichi Target 11/Canada’s Target 1, not just the quantitative targets;
– Barriers to progress on Aichi Target 11/Canada’s Target 1;
– Solutions and opportunities for progress on Aichi Target 11/Canada’s Target 1; and
– Measuring and reporting on all aspects of Aichi Target 11/Canada’s Target 1.
The workshop will be a unique opportunity for conservation experts to come together and develop solutions for achieving Aichi Target 11/ Canada’s Target 1 in all respects. Workshop participants will include experts from Canadian protected area and conservation agencies and from IUCN, scientists, land stewardship experts, experts in Aboriginal and community land-use planning, and national non-governmental conservation experts.